Esh Construction’s affordable housing division will deliver 24 new affordable homes in a £3.5 million contract with Gentoo Group. The new development – known as Leeway Green – is located in the Carley Hill area of Sunderland and will replace flats that were demolished in the late 90’s.
Marking the start of Esh’s relationship to deliver affordable new build homes for Gentoo Group, the scheme will provide 24 houses and bungalows with a mix of two and three bedrooms which will be available for affordable rent. Modern, contemporary and spacious in design, the new homes will meet the varying needs of the city’s residents and include bungalows for Sunderland’s ageing population.
The development was given the go ahead by planners in November 2020 and forms part of ‘a new era’ of affordable homes in Sunderland whereby Gentoo Group has secured planning permission for 170 new homes spread across six sites.
Procured via Prosper, Esh Construction has been appointed as the design and build contractor to deliver the scheme which includes construction of roads and sewers, and all associated external works. Esh will work in partnership with the design team – Blake Hopkinson Architecture and Design and JNP Group Consulting Engineers.
Gary Dobson, Divisional Director at Esh Construction, said: “We are delighted to be working with Gentoo Group on the Eastbourne Square development and to be part of the multi-million-pound affordable homes programme which is underway across the city of Sunderland.
“As a North East based contractor, we are committed to community wealth building and protecting the ‘local pound’. Through our strong regional presence and robust local supply chain, we will ensure we maximise economic and social value across Wearside by employing a local workforce and procuring local supply.”
Joanne Gordon, Development Director at Gentoo Group, said: “Our Leeway Green development is a key part of our exciting plans to build hundreds of new affordable homes in Sunderland and as a business that’s rooted in the North East, we’re pleased to be working with a local contractor to deliver these vital homes.
“We look forward to working in partnership to create these homes over the next year while delivering economic and social value for the local community.”
A nod to Sunderland’s heritage, the development is named Leeway Green in relation to a former shipyard in the city which was owned by Austin & Pickersgill Ltd. The Southwick shipyard of Austin and Pickersgill is known for the launch of the first SD14 ‘Nicola’ in 1968, which was the first in a long line of standard ships designed and launched by the shipbuilders, its success reflected by a further 211 ships built to the same design over the course of 20 years.
A partnership between the Gentoo Group, Sunderland City Council, and Homes England has brought to fruition a wider multi-million-pound investment which will deliver 900 new homes by 2024 and aims to kickstart economic and social recovery in the city.
We are delighted to be working with Gentoo Group on the Eastbourne Square development and to be part of the multi-million-pound affordable homes programme which is underway across the city of Sunderland. As a North East based contractor, we are committed to community wealth building and protecting the ‘local pound’. Through our strong regional presence and robust local supply chain, we will ensure we maximise economic and social value across Wearside by employing a local workforce and procuring local supply.”