One of the North of England's largest privately-owned construction businesses - privately owned, financially sound and proud of our heritage. Delivering success through engaged people, deep rooted culture, satisfied clients and thriving communities.
Loop allows us to use Cabinet Office and Social Value UK's SROI methodology to plan monitor and evaluate the social, environmental and economic impact of our commitments.
Visualising Local
We use geomapping and cloud based technology to display local spend and employment data by Point, by Heat and by Political Boundary.
Local Employment Monitoring
Everyone who is inducted to work on site is recorded by our GDPR compliant 'LEM' system. Data is collected live, collated and used to create a local workforce profile for each project we deliver.
sharing success through collaborative communications
We proactively communicate our Constructing Local activity, in conjunction with our clients, via social media, local, regional, and national publications.
Dedicated regional Management Team
The delivery, documentation and communication of our Constructing Local commitments are managed by a team of managers and coordinators based across our operating areas.
queens award winning strategy
We are proud to be Queen's Award winners for Promoting Opportunity through Social Mobility.
Recording Local Spend
We work collaboratively with our site, procurement and construction teams to record local spend data. Our cloud based system interprets package data including proximity to site, SME and VCSO spend.
summarising outcomes with E-Reports
At the end of each project we provide our clients and stakeholders copies their very own 'E-Report' which summarises all Constructing Local activity delivered in conjunction with their scheme.