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Highways & Infrastructure
Highways & Infrastructure
Gateshead Quays Link Road
Esh Construction is working in partnership with Gateshead Council to deliver a package of earthworks, gabion walls, drainage and landscaping for the new Gateshead Quays Link Road. Landscaping works include large areas of public green space along the eastern side, which will feature meandering paths, seating areas, swales and ponds with check dams and stepping stones. The new link road will provide access from the Felling bypass directly to the Baltic and the new arena complex.
Ramp to Multi Storey Car Park
An existing bridge was demolished, and a new bridge fabricated and installed. The supporting pier foundations required concrete repairs and strengthening works, and new parapets were installed.
Public Realm
Public Realm
Leeds University Public Realm
The scheme was split into in two phases: Phase 1a (University Square) and Phase 2 (University Road and Great Hall Square) comprising high quality hard landscaping, soft landscaping and remedial drainage repairs.
Coastal & Flood Prevention
Coastal & Flood Prevention
Skinningrove Coastal Defence
Coastal protection works were delivered to reduce the risk of flooding due to deterioration of the existing defences. Works included rock armour protection, repairs to Skinningrove jetty and associated works in a tidal environment.
Industrial & Distribution
Industrial & Distribution
Kirkstall Waste Facility
An existing waste recycling centre was refurbished over two phases. Works included the demolition of the existing waste store and the subsequent new build of a modern waste recycling facility and on-site resale store.
Gypsey Race Park Areas 3 & 4
Gypsey Race Park Areas 3 and 4 was procured via the YORhub, YORcivil2 Framework following the successful delivery of Areas 1 and 2. Located on brownfield land, the scheme comprised engineering and re-profiling the land and banks in and around the Gypsey Race watercourse. The public realm project established blue and green infrastructure in Bridlington through landscaping works, tree planting, light installation and a new play park.
Highways & Infrastructure
Highways & Infrastructure
Haddricks Mill
Forming part of the Northern Access Corridor Improvements, enabling works were undertaken at the Haddricks Mill junction approach located on the A189 Killingworth Road. An award-winning scheme, the project comprised widening an existing two-lane carriageway to provide an additional bus lane, two-way segregated cycling and pedestrian route. The widening works encompassed a steep embankment which required excavation and support prior to road widening and retaining wall construction.
Highways & Infrastructure
Highways & Infrastructure
Enterprise Zone Infrastructure 1A
Works were undertaken to turn existing open space into a usable enterprise zone for future investment, this included the construction of all new highways and services and the diversion of existing facilities.
Coastal & Flood Prevention
Coastal & Flood Prevention
Bridlington Coastal Works
At Bridlington Harbour, works were undertaken to reinforce the existing pier. The scheme involved the installation of a 200m length of interlocking steel piles and concrete capping beam to the pier and marine parade sea wall.
Highways & Infrastructure
Highways & Infrastructure
Minster Quarter
Minster Quarter comprised the construction of a new access road at the High Street West area of Sunderland City Centre. Soft landscaping and installation of new ducting to accommodate street lighting was also completed.
Parkgate Cycle and Footbridge
The design and build project involved the construction of a foot and cycle bridge which links the Central Park commercial development with Darlington Railway Station. The 3.5m wide bridge is designed to fit in with Parkgate’s industrial heritage.
Highways & Infrastructure
Highways & Infrastructure
M181 Northern Roundabout
On behalf of North Lincolnshire Council, the scheme comprised the construction of a new two-lane online roundabout located on the M181, immediately to the North of the Brumby Common Lane overbridge. Over 4,800m3 of site strip was undertaken and the installation of 400m of surface water drainage which comprised a 300m culverted ditch. Significant earthworks were required to form raised embankments, including 15,500m3 of imported fill. Further works undertaken included landscaping, road restraint systems, bituminous surfacing and electrical work.
Contact our Business Development Team
Zoe Popple
Social Housing & Build BDM