East Riding of Yorkshire Council has appointed Esh Civils, part of Esh Construction, as the main contractor for the project. Preparatory clearance work has started to allow for the re-engineering the banks of the water course along Hilderthorpe Road and through Palace Car Park to the new Beck Hill bridge creating additional green space for people to enjoy as well as providing new habitats for wildlife.
New trees are to be planted and existing woodland will also be managed with a new woodland path to enable people to get closer to the natural environment.
The area will also include new seating and a natural play area will be created for children to encourage active lifestyles.
Information boards and heritage artefacts will be installed along the linear park, celebrating stories and people of Bridlington.
Gypsey Race Park and Avenue phase two has been awarded £1,491,346 of funding from the European Regional Development Fund as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The remainder of the investment in the £4.2m project is funded by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
The project is an important part of Bridlington’s regeneration plan and will provide an attractive edge for the development sites and the improved streets that have been created through the Bridlington Integrated Transport Plan (BridITP2).
Esh Civils completed the first phase of the work in February and included creating a flow balancing area with viewing platform to help manage high water flow as well as cleaning the river bed and the improvement to the water course and banks.
The second phase is expected to be completed by summer 2020.
This is an exciting part of the council’s plans for Bridlington’s regeneration. Once phase two has been completed in the summer of 2020 we hope we will have created a public space that can be enjoyed by both residents and visitors and that the community can be proud of.”